If you were looking for 1 person to represent Jeppe Rowing from its birth in 1958 up to 2022, you need look no further than Martin Maine. 

From the time he was asked by his uncle Dr JRD Tomlinson, to put a Jeppe crew together, his love and support for Jeppe Rowing has never diminished.  

The crew that Martin brought together was made up of Michael Watt, Herbert Freercks, James Davidson and Ken Brooks. In 1959, the crew coached by Doc Tomlinson, competed at their first SA School Champs held on the Buffalo River. As the only Transvaal school at the regatta, they beat many seasoned Cape school crews to come second to Selbourne.

The very first Jeppe crew with Doc Tomlinson, who was both a coach and mentor.

Martin christening the JRD Tomlinson in 2021


In 2021, Martin sponsored a 4+ and named it after Doc Tomlinson, the founder of rowing at Jeppe and school boy rowing on the reef.  In April 2021, Martin was able to christen the boat at an event hosted by the club. 

Its is fitting that on Martin’s 80th birthday in January 2022, his son’s Brian and Colin presented him with a 4+ that was to be named after him.  The following week Martin and his son’s met with Simon Moore, the Director of Rowing at Jeppe, at the boat house where Martin was able to see the boat that will bear his name.

From Right to left, Martin, Brian and Colin
Martin and his boat

Just over 60 years from the first time his Jeppe 4+ took to the water, Martin Maine will again be competing under the Jeppe banner, only this time it will not be as an athlete, but as a John Waugh wing rigger quad that has the honour of bearing his name.


  1. John Chelius

    Congratulations to the Maine family. Doyens of the club and sport in Gauteng.

  2. Grant Davidge-Pitts

    Congratulations Martin, the world needs more people like you to lead by example and a great mentor.

  3. Huck Orban

    Martin is a true legend. Inspirational in so many ways, here’s encouraging the future crews of his Jeppe 4+ to make him proud.

    1. Carl Egelhof

      Well done Martin a true dedicated servant of rowing . May your boat go on to win many races

  4. Colin Maine

    Thanks you to everyone especially Simon and Greg for giving Brian and myself this opportunity. It was quite an emotional moment when we presented our dad with this rather different gift but a very fitting one none the less. We look forward to seeing the MARTIN MAINE in action along with all the other boats, blades, rowers, moms, dads, schools, and enthusiasts!!

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